full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sir Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The second principle that drives human life flonihrsuig is curiosity. If you can lgiht the spark of ctriusoiy in a child, they will learn without any further assistance, very often. cdelihrn are natural learners. It's a real achievement to put that particular ability out, or to stifle it. Curiosity is the engine of achievement. Now the reason I say this is because one of the etfcefs of the current cuutrle here, if I can say so, has been to de-professionalize teachers. There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. tecerahs are the lifeblood of the success of schools. But teaching is a crveiate profession. Teaching, properly conceived, is not a delivery system. You know, you're not there just to pass on rveeiced information. Great teachers do that, but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, enagge. You see, in the end, education is about learning. If there's no learning going on, there's no education going on. And people can spend an awful lot of time discussing education without ever discussing learning. The whole point of education is to get people to laren.

Open Cloze

The second principle that drives human life ___________ is curiosity. If you can _____ the spark of _________ in a child, they will learn without any further assistance, very often. ________ are natural learners. It's a real achievement to put that particular ability out, or to stifle it. Curiosity is the engine of achievement. Now the reason I say this is because one of the _______ of the current _______ here, if I can say so, has been to de-professionalize teachers. There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. ________ are the lifeblood of the success of schools. But teaching is a ________ profession. Teaching, properly conceived, is not a delivery system. You know, you're not there just to pass on ________ information. Great teachers do that, but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, ______. You see, in the end, education is about learning. If there's no learning going on, there's no education going on. And people can spend an awful lot of time discussing education without ever discussing learning. The whole point of education is to get people to _____.


  1. flourishing
  2. creative
  3. light
  4. curiosity
  5. engage
  6. culture
  7. children
  8. received
  9. teachers
  10. effects
  11. learn

Original Text

The second principle that drives human life flourishing is curiosity. If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child, they will learn without any further assistance, very often. Children are natural learners. It's a real achievement to put that particular ability out, or to stifle it. Curiosity is the engine of achievement. Now the reason I say this is because one of the effects of the current culture here, if I can say so, has been to de-professionalize teachers. There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools. But teaching is a creative profession. Teaching, properly conceived, is not a delivery system. You know, you're not there just to pass on received information. Great teachers do that, but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, engage. You see, in the end, education is about learning. If there's no learning going on, there's no education going on. And people can spend an awful lot of time discussing education without ever discussing learning. The whole point of education is to get people to learn.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
death valley 6
los angeles 3
child left 3
human life 3
dominant culture 3
dropout crisis 2
improve education 2
awful lot 2
great teachers 2
standardized tests 2
professional development 2
school level 2
real role 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. achievement
  3. assistance
  4. awful
  5. child
  6. children
  7. conceived
  8. country
  9. creative
  10. culture
  11. curiosity
  12. current
  13. delivery
  14. discussing
  15. drives
  16. education
  17. effects
  18. engage
  19. engine
  20. flourishing
  21. great
  22. human
  23. information
  24. learn
  25. learners
  26. learning
  27. life
  28. lifeblood
  29. light
  30. lot
  31. mentor
  32. natural
  33. pass
  34. people
  35. point
  36. principle
  37. profession
  38. properly
  39. provoke
  40. put
  41. real
  42. reason
  43. received
  44. school
  45. schools
  46. spark
  47. spend
  48. stifle
  49. stimulate
  50. success
  51. system
  52. teachers
  53. teaching
  54. time
  55. world